Men's T-shirts

Men's T-shirts

Men's T-shirts

Discover Dedicated’s large range of men’s T-shirts. We collaborate with creatives from all over the world, resulting in our range of tees in unique designs. Choose from plain tees with focus on fit and form in seasonal solid colors, to the latest statement tops with big bold prints. Here, you’ll also find long sleeved tees for transitional layering, an abundance of everyday essentials in classic stripes and distinctive prints, as well as the occasional polo piqué tee for casual style perfection. Bring your look together with a pair of chinos or work wear pants, and why not bring a matching jacket to the mix.

We only use sustainable fabrics, such as Organic cotton, and have done so since our start back in 2006. Our polyester is made from recycled PET bottles, we also use other more sustainable materials such as hemp, and TENCEL™ Lyocell — an eco friendly fiber made from wood pulp. Our prints are non-toxic and free from harmful chemicals.

We’re firm in our belief that no human or other living creature should have to suffer as a result of the fashion industry. Read more about our sustainability goals, certificates and examples of how we always work to lower our carbon footprint.